Culdesac Island
The following document intends to put together a collection of reflections and praxis generated throughout the Culdesac Island project, a virtual island used as a creative laboratory of the Second Life platform virtual communities. It is formed by an unpublished material that encourages users to debate and to the comprehension of the on-line virtual environment that also suggests new strategies to (future) artists and/or to the cultural circles. The synthesis of this experience is now presented in two complementary formats:
1/ An audiovisual document formed by different interconnected sections, and not necessarily narrated in a sequential way, in which we investigate (poetically, from the virtual world experience and by means of interviews) the nature of Culdesac Island, and some of the activities that have been carried out in the “Cities 3.0” (Olot, Huesca and Tournefeuille) setting.
2/ An introductory text (with the audiovisual transcription) that brings us closer to the comprehension of the Second Life virtual world, and its bonds with the contemporary aesthetics. A series of photographical material is also included, with images from the different workshops and “experiments” that have taken place during the existence of Culdesac Island.